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  • #6707
    Rachel Martinez

    Hello everyone, I’m having an issue with my Simplex 4901-9820 horn/strobe. It seems to be malfunctioning and not emitting any sound or light. I’ve checked the wiring and power supply, but everything seems fine. Any suggestions on what might be causing this problem?

    Khris James

    It sounds like there might be a fault within the horn/strobe unit itself. First, ensure that the device is properly connected to the fire alarm panel and that all connections are secure. If the wiring checks out, try resetting the device by briefly disconnecting and then reconnecting the power supply. If the issue persists, it could indicate a deeper internal malfunction, and it may be necessary to replace the Simplex 4901-9820 unit. If you’re unsure about performing these steps, it’s always best to consult with a certified fire alarm technician for further assistance.

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