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  • #9097
    Ashley Wilson

    I recently installed a Notifier LDM-32 in my fire alarm system, but I’m encountering some issues. The alarm lamps connected to the module are not illuminating when they should during tests. What could be the possible troubleshooting steps to resolve this?

    Khris James

    First, ensure that the wiring connections to the LDM-32 are secure and properly terminated. Loose connections can disrupt the flow of power to the alarm lamps. Secondly, check the power supply to the LDM-32 to ensure it’s functioning within the specified voltage range. If the power supply is adequate, then inspect the alarm lamps themselves for any signs of damage or malfunction. Additionally, verify that the LDM-32 is properly programmed and configured to activate the alarm lamps when triggered by the fire alarm control panel. If all these steps check out, consider testing the LDM-32 with a known-working alarm lamp to isolate whether the issue lies with the module or the connected lamps. If problems persist, it might be necessary to replace the LDM-32 or consult with a qualified technician for further assistance.

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